
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Neerja Bhanot: Ashoka Chakra - Citation by the President of India in 1986

The President of India has awarded Neerja Bhanot with Ashoka Chakra in 1986. Read below the citation of the text.  (Also see: Rare Photos and Facts of Neerja Bhanot)



Neerja Bhanot - Ashoka Chakra Citation

On the Fifth of September, Nineteen Eighty Six,  twenty three years old Shreemati  Neerja, daughter of Shri Harish Bhanot, was a member of the crew of Pan American Airways Flight from Bombay to New York via Karachi as Senior Flight Purser.

A group of four heavily armed hijackers rushed to the aircraft on the tarmac at Karachi Airport.

Showing tremendous presence of mind and quick reflexes, it was her instant shout of 'Hijack' which alerted the flight crew who immediately escaped, thereby immobilizing the aircraft.

With the exit of the flight crew, she took command of the situation and kept the terrified passengers calm.

She deftly managed the situation and prevented the trigger-happy hijackers from going berserk.

However, when suddenly the power in the aircraft went off in the aircraft and she helped a number of passengers to escape through the emergency door, she became a marked target of the hijackers.

One of the desperate hijackers grabbed her from behind and shot her dead.

Her loyalties to the passengers of the aircraft in distress will forever be a lasting tribute to the finest qualities of human spirit.

Shreemati Neerja, daughter of Shri Harish Bhanot, thus displayed the most conspicuous bravery In the face of grave adversities and tried to save the lives of the passengers on the ill- fated flight at the cost of her own life.

President of India



It must be noted that this is the only occasion in the history of India when Ashoka Chakra was awarded to a woman.

Also, She is also the youngest person to have been awarded with Ashoka Chakra.

In 2004, Vajpayee government had also issued a postage stamp in the honor of the great Neerja Bhanot.

Neerja was married but due to dowry pressures and harassment from her husband she has decided to leave him and pursue her own career.

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