
Friday, July 25, 2014

Did you know that Mr Bean is more popular than Justin Bieber? See this

If you think Rowan Atkinson, a.k.a Mr Bean makes you laugh on the television sets, then think again. He is funny on twitter too. He mimicked a tweet of Justin Bieber and instantly he was more popular than Justin Bieber himself. See this funny tweet:

And here is the original "thanks" tweet by Justin Bieber.

Both of the above snapshots were shot today, i.e 26 July 2014. As of this date, Rowan Atkinson's tweet was retweeted 84,822 times. When Mr Bean wrote his tweet, Justin Bieber had 12,000 retweets already. And look at it now. Boy, Mr Bean is no doubt popular. Justin Bieber is just a kid...!

Below is the live embed of both these tweets for future comparison. The below numbers will automatically change whenever someone retweets these tweets. Lets see overtime how they are performing.

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