
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Twinkle Twinkle Corona Dear - Remix

Everyone is worried about Corona. Kids included. How are they reacting to this? Here is one who constructs a rhyme Twinkle Twinkle and remakes it into a lovely rap song. Here is Twinkle Twinkle Corona Dear Song. Watch and enjoy:

Monday, August 8, 2016

Oportunidade - Jerente Rekursus Umanus iha Programa husi Embaixada Austrália

Parseria ba Dezenvolvimentu Umanu Jerente Rekursus Umanus
Vizaun Jerál Programa
Parseria ba Dezenvolvimentu Umanu (PHD) reprezenta Austrália nia vizaun tempu-naruk hodi hasa’e dezenvolvimentu umanu iha Timor-Leste. Parseria ne’e lori hamutuk Embaixada Austrália (Timor-Leste) nia atividade oin-oin iha saúde, edukasaun, bee, nutrisaun, igualdade jéneru, defisiénsia no protesaun sosiál ba iha programa ida de’it atu masimiza efetividade, relevánsia no dezempeñu. Investimentu ida-ne’e iha Timor-Leste sei serbisu ba iha Objetivu Estratéjiku 2 hosi Austrália nia Planu Investimentu Asisténsia ba Timor-Leste: hasa’e dezenvolvimentu umanu. Dezenvolvimentu umanu di’ak sei garante katak jerasaun Timoroan sira tuirmai bele di’akliu atu lidera, kontribui ba no hetan benefísiu hosi sira-nia nasaun nia dezenvolvimentu ekonómiku no sosiál.
Ami daudaun ne’e buka hela rekerimentus hosi Jerente Rekursu Umanu ida atu serbisu ho Ekipa PHD nu’udar membru pesoál kontratadu lokál ida ho posibilidade atu hetan estensaun iha knaar ne’e. Jerente Rekursu Umanu sei responsabiliza hodi lidera no jere atividade rekursu umanu (RU) hotu-hotu ba Parseria Dezenvolvimentu Umanu (PHD) nia programa iha railaran. Sira sei serbisu besikliu ho ekipa jestaun ne’ebé responsabiliza ba prestasaun programa.
Responsabilidade Xave sira
Responsabilidade xave sira ba pozisaun ida-ne’e inklui (maibé la limit aba):
·         Lidera no jere programa ne’e nia Ekipa RU iha railaran hodi apoia operasaun no metas programa nian.
·         Fó matadalan RU no apoia ba Xefe Ekipa, Jerente Operasaun no pesoál jestaun seluk.
·         Dezenvolve relasaun efetivu ho pesoál sede sentrál hodi apoia operasaun no metas programa nian.
·         Lidera no jere atividade rekrutamentu no selesaun lokál hotu-hotu ba programa ne’e.
·         Serbisu besik ho Sede Sentrál atu koordena rekrutamentu no selesaun ba Asesór Internasionál sira.
·         Jere atividades kontratu ba pesoál lokál sira no apoia atividade kontratu sira seluk bainhira presiza.
·         Haree dezenvolvimentu no atualizasaun ba programa introdusaun komprensivu ida ba pesoál programa nian.
·         Jere atividade mobilizasaun no desmobilizasaun ba pesoál programa hotu-hotu inklui introdusaun, esplikasaun seguransa nian no entrevista saída nia.
·         Jere asuntu relasaun empregadu hotu-hotu ba pesoál programa lokál, no apoia atividades relasaun empregadu halo hosi sede sentrál bainhira presiza.
·         Garante hodi kompleta rekizitus avaliasaun dezempeñu ba pesoál programa hotu-hotu.
·         Apoia no akonsella Xefe Ekipa no Suplente Jerente Operasaun no jestaun seluk kona-ba jestaun dezempeñu, akonselleamentu, akompañamentu no asuntu disiplinár sira seluk.
·         Haree funsaun treinamentu hodi garante prestasaun kona-ba treinamentu konformidade ba pesoál hotu-hotu no atividade dezenvolvimentu sira ne’ebé hatán ba nesesidades pesoál programa lokál.
·         Jere saúde no seguransa traballu lokál (WHS) no atividades bem-estár inklui seguru, auditória, relatóriu insidente, no Programa Asisténsia Empregadu (PAE).
·         Haree pagamentu saláriu ne’ebé subkontrata sai no koordena tranzisaun pagamentu saláriu ne’e mai fali iha programa ne’e. Bainhira ne’e internál ona, jere funsaun pagamentu lokál inklui verifikasaun, konformidade no atividade relatóriu.
·         Haree prosesu jestaun kona-ba pesoál sira-nia feriadu no auzénsia.
·         Serbisu ho sede sentrál, jere rekizitus ba passaporte no vistu ba pesoál internasionál sira inklui haree tuir no renovasaun.
·         Jere no mantein rejistu RU programa nian no garante katak atividade RU hotu-hotu dokumenta tuir polítika no prosedimentu sira ne’ebé relevante.
·         Dezenvolve, implementa no mantein polítika, prosedimentu no manuál xave sira ba RU lokál iha konsultasaun ho parte-interesada relevante sira.
·         Apoia dezenvolvimentu, implementasaun no atualizasaun ba polítika no prosedimentu xave kona-ba RU kompañia nian.
·         Jere rekizitus konformidade RU hotu-hotu tuir kontratu programa nian ka konforme presiza, inklui rekizitus relatóriu RU nian.
·         Garante konformidade ho Timor-Leste nia lei traballadór no rekizitus relasionadus.
·         Hala’o knaar adisionál razoavvel sira seluk bainhira husu hosi tempu ba tempu.
Rekizitus Xave Sira
Kandidatu ne’ebé susesu sei lori:
·         Kualifikasaun tersiáriu iha Rekursu Umanu/ Jestaun/ Administrasaun Negósiu ka disiplina relevante.
·         Esperiénsia profisionál boot iha jestaun Rekursu Umanu iha ambiente operasaun ne’ebé hanesan
·         Komprensaun kle’an kona-ba Lei Traballadór Lokál, pagamentu saláriu no regulamentu empregu sira seluk.
·         Iha fleksibilidade no bele atu serbisu efetivamente ho knaar barak.
·         Abilidades interpesoál no lideransa ne’ebé forte
·         Abilidade atu komunika momoos (hakerek no ko’alia) iha Inglés no Tetun-Prasa
Aleinde Kritériu Selesaun Xave sira iha leten ne’e, rekerente sira tenke nasionalidade Timor-Leste no disponivel atu hela no serbisu iha Timor-Leste.
Informasaun Liután & Rekerimentu
Kona-ba informasaun liután favór refere ba Informasaun kona-ba dokumentu Rekerente nian ba pozisaun ida-ne’e. Rekerimentu sira tenke halo online liuhosi ami-nia careers website ( inklui CV atuál, karta rekerimentu no resposta ida ba kada kritériu selesaun xave, inkui perguntas teste dilijénsia prévia nian.
Rekerimentu taka tuku 4:00 loraik, loron 15 Agostu 2016.
Ami fó benvindu no obrigadu ba rekerimentu hotu-hotu, maibé ami sei kontakta de’it rekerente sira ne’ebé tama iha lista-badak.
Kona-ba Abt Associates
Abt Associates mak lider rekoñesidu ida iha setór dezenvolvimentu internasionál. Serbisu ho ami-nia parseiru barak, Abt Associates implementa solusaun inovadora brani nian hodi hadi’ak komunidade sira-nia moris no entrega rezultadu valorizadu sira ba ami-nia klientes. Ami fornese servisu kompreensivu lubuk ida hosi polítika ba prestasaun servisu iha setór públiku no privadu sira kontribui ba benefísiu tempu-naruk ba kliente no komunidade sira. Halo operasaun iha ambiente remotas no susar, ami oferese esperiénsia boot iha rejiaun ne’e, kapasidade téknika forte, no iha rekorde jestaun projetu ne’ebé komprovadu. Ami komprometidu ba igualdade jéneru iha ami-nia estratéjia empregu no enkoraja rekerimentus hosi feto sira ho kapasidade.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Neerja Bhanot: Ashoka Chakra - Citation by the President of India in 1986

The President of India has awarded Neerja Bhanot with Ashoka Chakra in 1986. Read below the citation of the text.  (Also see: Rare Photos and Facts of Neerja Bhanot)



Neerja Bhanot - Ashoka Chakra Citation

On the Fifth of September, Nineteen Eighty Six,  twenty three years old Shreemati  Neerja, daughter of Shri Harish Bhanot, was a member of the crew of Pan American Airways Flight from Bombay to New York via Karachi as Senior Flight Purser.

A group of four heavily armed hijackers rushed to the aircraft on the tarmac at Karachi Airport.

Showing tremendous presence of mind and quick reflexes, it was her instant shout of 'Hijack' which alerted the flight crew who immediately escaped, thereby immobilizing the aircraft.

With the exit of the flight crew, she took command of the situation and kept the terrified passengers calm.

She deftly managed the situation and prevented the trigger-happy hijackers from going berserk.

However, when suddenly the power in the aircraft went off in the aircraft and she helped a number of passengers to escape through the emergency door, she became a marked target of the hijackers.

One of the desperate hijackers grabbed her from behind and shot her dead.

Her loyalties to the passengers of the aircraft in distress will forever be a lasting tribute to the finest qualities of human spirit.

Shreemati Neerja, daughter of Shri Harish Bhanot, thus displayed the most conspicuous bravery In the face of grave adversities and tried to save the lives of the passengers on the ill- fated flight at the cost of her own life.

President of India



It must be noted that this is the only occasion in the history of India when Ashoka Chakra was awarded to a woman.

Also, She is also the youngest person to have been awarded with Ashoka Chakra.

In 2004, Vajpayee government had also issued a postage stamp in the honor of the great Neerja Bhanot.

Neerja was married but due to dowry pressures and harassment from her husband she has decided to leave him and pursue her own career.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Neerja Bhanot Rare Photos and Facts

There are plenty of inspiring stories. This one stands unique - for it was in an era when flight travelling was not that frequent and a woman in India got less exposure to the external world when compared to 21st century.

Firstly, Salutes to Neerja Bhanot who stood strong, bravely with smile on her face while she was facing the cruel terrorists. Neerja the movie that is created now is just a tribute to her bravery.

Some facts that you might want to know:

Sonam Kapoor starrer Neerja collects 12.3 Cr in first two days in box office. Neerja Bhanot is the youngest recipient of Ashoka Chakra Award. In the video posted above, learn more such facts about Neerja Bhanot and see some of her rare photos. We also showcased some photos from the Neerja full movie.
  • Neerja Bhanot was the daughter of a Mumbai-based journalist, Harish Bhanot. She was born in Chandigarh and her mother Rama Bhanot was a house wife. 
  • Neerja got married at the age of 21. She moved to the West Asia with her husband. However, she returned to her family in Mumbai after her husband began to make dowry demands. 
  • The terrorists who hijacked the flight belonged to the Abu Nidal Organisation. Neerja was shot while she was trying to save three children from the terrorists.
  • One of the three children that she saved, then a 7-year-old, is now himself an airline pilot. He considers Neerja to be his role model.
  • Neerja Bhanot was awarded Ashoka Chakra Award, India's most prestigious gallantry award for bravery during peace time.
Every Indian is proud of her. Every woman see this as an inspiring story. Women in India face numerous challenges today. Lets all (men and women) learn a bit of lesson from this legend.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Tech Joke: Google Caught in Dichotomy

Before I reveal the joke, let me explain a little bit about 'Web Scraping'. 

Web Scraping is a computer technology where a program is designed to crawl someone's website without any sort of permission. It is similar to a human browsing a publicly available website but it is more than that in the sense that a program can simulate human browsing in a much faster, efficient and structured manner. 

Many use web scraping for data mining or comparing prices of millions of products on large ecommerce sites. To that effect, even I have just completed writing my own (my first ever) search engine to search thousands of products in Amazon and flipkart and compare the prices using the same web scraping technology. 

Although web scrapping is a handy technology, many frown at it merely because it has a big gray area in terms of copyright violation, pirates, duplicating the content etc. In a way it is seen as stealing the content without permission from the owner. Google is one big organization that is committed  to seriously kill all web scrapers. 

There is one very famous guy at google called Matt Cutts. He is the guy who is responsible for making search engine results better. He is often seen as an evil by the bloggers because he punishes blogs and websites severely by ranking them low if they violate any kind of google's guidelines - such as duplicate content, less authority websites etc. In all, there are millions of bloggers who hate Matt Cutts because he does not allow their websites to show up in the google search.

Coming back to web scraping, even the biggest company Google, sometimes finds it hard to determine which content is original and which one is web-scraped. Such is the complexity of dealing with web scraping.

So one day Matt Cutts tweeted this:

If you see a scraper URL outranking the original source of content in Google, please tell us about it.
In response, one online entrepreneur Dan Barker (probably a supporter of web scraping) replied to his tweet. His reply went viral as it is one of the most hilarious. This is what he replied:

He nailed Matt Cutts by pointing that Google itself is the world's largest web scraper and it is, at the same time, strongly against web scraping. What a dichotomy he pointed out! 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Indian judicial system is highly independent and most sensible

A five-member Constitution Bench of the Indian Supreme Court has struck down the 99th amendment to the Indian Constitution that provided for a National Judicial Appointments Commission.

The amendment was earlier passed by both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. The SC ruled the amendment unconstitutional, and struck it down. Of the five judges who sat on the Constitution Bench, 4 ruled against the 99th amendment, and one ruled in favor. Going by 4:1 majority, the amendment is quashed.

With this, the government's move to have a say in appointments to constitutional courts (High Courts and Supreme Court) is nulled. This has been a watershed judgment of the year. Justice J S Khehar (imminent CJ of India in a few years) led the Bench. The lone minority judgment was delivered by Justice J Chelameshwar.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Letter that I sent to The Honourable Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhu on Security of Passengers

I admire The  Honourable Minister of Railways, Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu as he is a modern leader that the young India has always been looking forward to. Below is the copy of the email that I sent to The Honourable Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu. I hope to hear from the Honourable Minister on a matter that I am deeply concerned about - Security of passengers and their belongings. The reply that I am hoping to get need not be in words. Rather, I look forward to his reply in his actions and in his leadership style.

Here is the letter:

GmailNaveen Chand K <>

Security of passengers and their belongings

K Naveen Chand <>9 October 2015 at 09:45


Cc:,, Daya Anand <>

Honourable Sir

Please excuse this intrusion.

My name is Naveen Chand. I am a native of Hyderabad, Telangana. I used to work for the Indian Railways during 1995-1997 as Ticket Collector, then went on to doing my MBA from the Institute of Rural Management, Anand (IRMA), a premier business school founded by Padmavibhushan Dr. V. Kurien, the Father of the White Revolution.

I am writing on behalf of my brother, Dayanand, whose valuables got stolen from an AC 2-tier coach of Train Number 12724, Andhra Pradesh Express, on 05 October 2015 during the night hours. My brother, along with his family, was inside the coach, on their way from New Delhi to Hyderabad.

My brother lost his laptop, INR 20,000 in cash, two mobile phones (1 Android phone and 1 iPhone), and a pair of gold earrings. Along with him in the AC Coach (HA1) were his wife and two kids. The incident happened sometime during the late night hours, when the train was pacing between Agra and Jhansi, when my brother and family were asleep.

Though we do not have direct evidence to report, we are suspicious of the coach attendant who was sleeping inside the coach right opposite to the cabin my brother and family were in. After realizing that the bag containing the valuables was stolen, my brother reported to the cabin attendant and said he would lodge a complaint against him with the Railway Police. Surprisingly, the cabin attendant started pleading and begging not to. This strengthened the suspicion against the attendant. There was no RPF on the train when this incident happened. The TTE on the train contacted the control room to arrange an RPF who boarded at Bhopal Railway station. My brother registered an FIR with that RPF personnel. But the RPF did not include the name of the coach attendant whom we suspect. Upon my brother’s request, the RPF searched the attendant’s possessions, and found a bottle of liquor. They could not find the stolen bag.

We later tweeted to the Official Twitter Handles of some high-ranking Indian Railway officers, including the General Manager of North Central Railways, the General Manager of South Central Railways, and the Divisional Railway Managers of all divisions in both these zones. 

We are thankful to the General Manager of North Central Railways and the General Manager of South Central Railways who took the initiative to reply to us and assured us that they would investigate the matter and take necessary actions. Unfortunately, however, we are not sure what results these investigations would yield. My brother is quite concerned as he has lost some of his valuables, and he doubts he will ever get them back. The laptop contains lots of important and privileged data, including precious family photographs, not all of which have been duplicated in backups.

We are grateful to the Government of India for allowing citizens to reach the Railway officials via social media. It is indeed a powerful tool for citizens and officers to communicate. 

Sir, the intention of reaching out to you is to highlight the risks passengers face when using the services of Indian Railways. If AC 2-tier coach, that has highly secured doors, and is manned by a coach attendant, could be so vulnerable to thefts, what then might be the plight of the Sleeper Class or general compartments? The average railway passengers travel in these classes, and are exposed to huge risks. The risk is not just to their baggage and valuables, but to their lives too. Staff negligence like sleeping inside the coach, unmanning the doors, or carrying alcohol on board make train journeys unsafe and  a cause of immense insecurity to the passengers.

I would appreciate if some urgent steps and actions are taken to maximize safety of passengers. I genuinely hope RPF and other railway officials will give their best to retrieve my brother’s stolen valuables. I trust your leadership to the Indian Railways.

I am copying this email to the Honourable Minister of State for Railways as well as the Chairman of Railway Board.

Kind regards and warm wishes

Naveen Chand

On behalf of Dayanand Kanyamarala
Date of Journey: 05 October 2015, 06 October 2015
PNR Number: 2209831546
Coach Number: HA1
Train: 12724, Andhra Pradesh Express
Other Passengers: Nandita Kanyamarala, Tarun Kanyamarala, Trisha Kanyamarala
Contact: +919346974802